Publish Swagger (OpenAPI 2.0) Documentation
Luna API
Write, Document, Publish
Run the LunaAPI2Swagger project and click the execute tests button
As long as the tests are running, the Status will be "Running" and you will see the answer received from the API in the Response field. Every test that is run will be added to the "Tests Run" listbox. When the test is finished, the status received from the API will be displayed, the time it took for the API to answer will be shown under Duration and whether or not the test succeeded (if it gave that same result as last time) will be shown in the TestSuccess checkmark. When all the tests are finished, the status will change to Done.
Upload the swagger documentation
The test run will generate the swagger.json file in SpecialFolder ApplicationData (you can change the destination in the Finish Method of the execute module (api2swagger/lib folder in the LunaAPI2Swagger project) if you want.)
• Upload the generated swagger File to the db folder next to the Luna app on the server.
If you want to change this location, change the v1_Swagger_Get function in Luna
• Upload the swagger UI files (the content of the dist folder) to the html part of your website
See the swagger website:
• Edit the Swagger UI index.html file so that url: in the window.onload function points to the
url where your Luna API delivers its swagger.json file