Publish Swagger (OpenAPI 2.0) Documentation
Open LunaAPI2Swagger: (
NOTE: This needs to be in binary format. Don't use Xojo text format or the documentation for xjDocs will be corrupt and you won't be able to open your project any more.
In module modquestions (api2swagger/lib folder) adjust the following properties:
• aboutq_basepath
• aboutq_httpq
• aboutq_httpsq
• aboutq_infoq
Luna API
Write, Document, Publish
define the base path of your api e.g. /api/v1
does your api support http (y or n)
does your api support https (y or n)
fill in title, description, termsOfService, version, contactName, contactUrl,
contactEmail, licenseName and licenseUrl)
NOTE: The text is there to make it easier to read. What needs to be changed is the default value of the property.