Luna API
Write, Document, Publish
Luna is a Xojo-based framework that can be used to create RESTful APIs for SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL and Amazon Aurora databases. With Luna, Xojo developers can quickly and easily implement feature-rich, professional, secure, and scalable REST APIs.
Features at a Glance
Use the Xojo programming language to write your Luna based API. The HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE are fully supported. PATCH is supported in Luna, but can't currently be documented due to limitations of the Swagger (OpenAPI 2.0) documentation generator.
Supported databases are SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL and Amazon Aurora.
Document your Luna API by generating Swagger documentation and an xjDocs generated website in minutes. LunaAPIDocGen generates the necessary definitions in your LunaAPI2Swagger project file. Running this project then generates the swagger.json file whilst also doing Unit Tests on your API.
Make it even easier for people to use your API by using the included Paw and Postman templates.
Publish your API to the web and have it deliver your swagger.json file. Post your swagger documentation online for live testing of your API on the web and code generation through the Swagger editor.
Publish your xjDocs generated website for even more detailed information.
Include a Paw and PostMan file so people can use these programs with your API.
• Support for RESTful URLs and actions.
• Sensible HTTP status codes are returned.
• Easily require HTTPS connections.
• Error responses include help JSON-encoded information.
• Versioning is supported via URLs.
• Supports user-specified limiting of the columns that are returned.
• Requests to update or create records return resource representations.
• All responses are JSON-encoded.
• POST, PUT and PATCH bodies are JSON-encoded.
• Easy implementation of your preferred authentication method.